ocr: 11 Fhynical interpitation.or the foma int themlitades ae e1 The polarization of a graviton is a tansor guantaty. We -y visualise this with pictures ainlar to those ve use in describing stresses; drav arowa indicating the direction to be saociated vith surfaces normal to the os. In the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation we have the following two suresses 2 - - - s- t ert - à do - ne - t aottsetosgs atqu l0 TetDRTa - dat Lo rapbone edt of atoobon 40 - - to ol - - a Clmblre a € tx( tx - gelatnoa livs - - satoto ods rbr dads belanoo - - E4.0 - - - Ba ecottauttalog - a otavay - - - ...